Digital Transformation RoadMap: What It Is And How To Build One For Yourself

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While reviewing the latest stats, it’s been witnessed that average spending on digital technology has enhanced to a rate of $3 billion globally – indicating a massive figure for businesses adapting digital technology.

Having said that, if your organization or business is failing to incorporate digitalization, there are chances that you may not be able to hold your position in the market for too long.

However, on the odds that you are looking forward to transforming the business operation of your organization digitally, then this article is surely written for you!

In the article below, you would be guided about what a digital transformation roadmap is, and how you can build one for yourself!

So, let’s start!

First thing First, What is Digital Transformation Roadmap?

Digital transformation is the idea of integrating technology into every aspect of the business so that competitive and effective advantages can be perceived.

The ideology includes both, the replacement of existing traditional processes, as well as adapting the latest trending technologies to meet the evolving needs of the market. 

The reasons why a business steps into a digital transformation are simple:

  • To improve a company’s day-to-day operations
  • To provide value to its customers

Designing a digital transformation roadmap involves experimenting latest technologies and thinking to swap them with the existing ones.

Since transformation can be classified as an evolution – hence it doesn’t seem to come with a definitive endpoint. This simply means that for a business to keep scaling, it needs to keep itself affiliated with the latest trend and technology in the market.

Coming towards the Roadmap again, is a multi-step process that is designed after thorough planning, solid strategy, and evaluation. 

Essentially following are some of the vital questions that need to be addressed while designing a Digital Transformation Roadmap for your business:

  • Does my business need a digital transformation?
  • What resources my business is lacking right now?
  • How can I eradicate the loopholes?
  • How much time it may consume for a successful transformation?
  • What is the transformation of my competitors, so that I can get ahead of them?

After knowing what a digital transformation roadmap is, guess there’s only one thing that is left for us to find out, which is:

How one can build an essential digital transformation roadmap for himself?

Before starting with the topic, a little disclaimer for you. A digital transformation Roadmap isn’t something that can be made by the end of the day. Rather then, it is a series of stages that might consume months or even years to get completed.

Mind it, while lying outing the roadmap, you might encounter several hurdles in your way – even things might get out of hand. However, remember that every obstacle you encounter can be over with the right planning and execution.

With that being said, let’s move toward the stages of digital transformation.

Stage 1: Redefining the values of the organization

Organizational values are the guiding principles that define the purpose of your organization and provide direction to each chapter.

In stage 1, a team needs to redefine and lay out the corporate values of the business while seeing room for more innovation and digitalization.

By reinforcing the amended values, you will be reshaping the culture of the organization by finding the right talent for the job that can fulfill your vision as well as your mission.

Stage 2: Gradually Getting Started

For example, you are someone who owns a mobile app development company. In stage one, you would have covered the goals of your company, as well as evaluated the changes that the services you are offering might need.

Well, when you are aware of your goals and plans for the future, it’s about time to kick-start your journey – the journey of digitalization. 

First thing first, don’t try to implement each of your goals in one single go. Everything needs to be implemented within a phase and should be done properly to witness profound results.

Moreover, the strategy you would have layout would be looking good to you, but there is a possibility that the strategy might have some loopholes that only a tech leader can figure out.

The best way to get a profound strategy according to the business experts is that all the organizers and heads of a business should be brought together for a table talk. Together they need to bring forward viable strategies by brainstorming.

Once the strategies are brainstormed. Exclude the ones that don’t suit your needs, and continue doing this until everyone agrees to one viable strategy!

Thus, it’s appreciated that before starting with implementing your strategy, you should get it approved by someone professional – who’s obviously out of your organization.

Stage 3: Accelerating the Implemented Digitalization

Once you have got your strategy approved by a tech leader, and have started working on it – even now if it’s been completed approx seventy-five percent, then it’s about time to move on to the next step.

For a fun fact, companies that have just implemented a new digital transformation roadmap would start witnessing viable results within a period of about five to eight months, depending on the successful launch of their digital transformation.

For example, if your mobile app development company USA was struggling with providing custom mobile app development solutions to people. After the implementation of the digital transformation, you would be witnessing a handful amount of orders at your desk.

But don’t get overwhelmed with the sudden change, and keep transforming your business digitally – We promise that the success you would receive in the upcoming years would be a lot more than this. 

Stage 4: Continuing the legacy of implementing advanced tracking


While accelerating the implemented digitalization as we said above, there is no significant rule that the results you may witness would be promising. Some of them might yield extraordinarily profound results while others may fail your implemented strategy.

However, what does when you see your implemented strategies failing? Well, the hard truth you need to know is that success doesn’t comes the easy way.

While you transform your business digitally, the experiments you will do would help you decide what is better for your business – this is where tracking models can help you out.

Just like its name, tracking models allow the experimenter to monitor his implemented strategies exclusively, giving insights into important key data like reach analytics, amount of visitors, and many more.

Hence, after getting done with preparing a digital transformation roadmap, the next thing you need is to get it checked with the tracking model.

No matter how profound a strategy may sound, if your tracking model rejects it, you need to reject it too. This would help you save a handful of dollars from going in vain!

Stage 5: Lay the groundwork for the future – so the generation ahead doesn’t have to!

If you think that streamlining the operations of your business would be enough for you to get a prolonged successful digital transformation, then we guess you may be on the wrong path!

Neither anyone knows, nor they can guarantee that the streamlined operations would continue operating in the same way for the next ten years. You never know that the solutions your custom mobile app development company provide is actually being loved by people out there.

Hence you must lay the foundation for the future so that the generation ahead doesn’t have to!

This brings us to the important question which is “How the successful groundwork can be layout”. See, you are already implementing the digital transformation roadmap to your business, what more you need to do is to think one step ahead and include futuristic models to your digital transformation roadmap that aren’t even a thing now.

For example, 5 years back, Artificial Intelligence was a myth, but today many businesses are integrating AI into their business for a fruitful result.

You, along with your other head of business need to brainstorm the technologies of the future. Enlist them on a paper, and then decide how these technologies can turn favorable for your business.

This way, you would be getting a massive lead from your competitors and a digital transformation roadmap that comes enriched with futuristic technologies.


Just like every other thing, success doesn’t come overnight and requires patience with tolerance to get the desired output.

A successful strategy needs a professional team with sharp brains, a never-ending list of brainstormed ideas, and the key takeaways for implementing the strategies!

Moreover, the formula for success is pretty much straightforward. The more seeds you may sow, the more versatile field you would have – hence put in all you got, and have faith that your hard work won’t go in vain, for sure!

However, having said that, in the guide above, we have streamlined the possible ways one can develop a creative digital transformation roadmap for his business.

All we ask you to do is to implement everything as we have directed, and keep doing the hard work – and soon enough, you will witness your hard work paying off!

I have 22 Year experience in website development, blogging, Seo, Link building. Digital Mareting Expert Certified By Hubspot Academy. Social Media Marketing Expert Certifed by Hubspot Academy. Google Adword Certifed Expert.

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